Aaron Brunet
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My mission: Love food, love life. Regenerate. Connect.

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Hi there!

Are you interested in how we can live richly?

With exciting food that enhances our wellbeing?

And the knowledge that our choices are not just sustainable but actively making the world a better place?

Me too. Nice to meet you :)

This is the place I share what I care about and how I can be of service…

Here’s a video on how + why I went from winning Masterchef NZ to working with plant-rich food and plant medicine…

Love food, Love life.

Eating more plant-rich food (ideally organic) is one of the best ways we can all improve our health while being kind to the planet.

But most of us haven’t grown up knowing how to do this.

That’s why I offer plant-rich cooking workshops, bringing my Masterchef-proven tastebuds to the task of helping you eat more plants more often :)

To join a workshop, check out my current offerings…

Or jump in here to learn more about why I’m into plant-based food.


The big idea we need to grasp in order to create a positive future for our children is living within the capacity of our planet, especially in terms of how we produce food.

Organic Regenerative Agriculture is the way of the future. It means working with natural systems and processes, building healthy soil which then creates nutrient-dense food.

My role in this so far is to spread the word, and I’ve created a collection of resources that made a difference to me. If you want a sense of hope for the future, this will help!

Michael Pollan explains the soil solution in 4 mins


There’s more to wellness than healthy food. Spending face-to-face time with real people being real is a key part of living a rich life. As is connecting with our own internal truth and essence.

Ideally we’d experience this as our everyday reality. If that feels distant, it helps to take time out and give ourselves space to remember.

In 2019 I co-hosted a retreat in Peru offering a week in the Andes doing exactly that, and am working on more opportunities to share.

There’s a community of open-minded positive people in NZ who care about connection, so jump in if you want more of this in your life.